Shadowstrike sunglasses have a sharp, geometrical wraparound design that provides unobstructed field-of-vision and ballistic protection for fast-paced tactical, special ops, and military operations. Angular frames and a tighter curvature give this line a distinctive look while maximizing protection—fitting squarely, securely, and comfortably at all times. With optical-grade, polycarbonate lenses, Shadowstrike sunglasses provide the impact resistance Revision eyewear is known for, exceeding U.S. military eyewear ballistic requirements. Shadowstrike sunglasses feature a novel nosepiece mechanism that makes changing out the dual lenses quick and easy. And, this eyewear provides ultraviolet protection and has Revision’s OcuMax Plus coating, preventing the close-fit sunglasses from fogging in the heat of the mission. KIT INCLUDES: Low profile frame, photochromic lens, microfiber pouch, microfiber cloth, adjustable strap and rugged storage case.
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SKU: 638632218977
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